domingo, 16 de maio de 2010

My dear,

Here I am. Again, I know. It's just... complicated. I lost my strength, I lost my joy, I lost my shining eyes, my smile, my confidence, I don't even know where I put my courage. Today, I thought that, maybe, they never existed. I thought that, maybe I was always this frustration, this tiredness, and I just didn't noticed. But it's ok, my dear. It's really ok. Today I got nothing, but tomorrow is another day, and I'll be able to conquer the world.


2 comentários:

Catarina disse...

"I lost my strength, I lost my joy, I lost my shining eyes, my smile, my confidence, I don't even know where I put my courage."

(lês-me sempre o coração)

Unknown disse...

Elsa, adoro a Sophie. Obrigada por a teres criado.
Posso roubar-ta um dia destes?*